Thursday, October 20, 2011


336 Kearny St
San Francisco, CA 94108

Occasion: Friday night surprise dessert. We ate them after a wonderful dinner at Sushi Bistro in the Richmond. After seeing my friend Felix posting pics of mochi, I knew I wanted them the next day.  We tracked down the location of the place and the BF surprised me with these goodies the next day=] 09.23.11

Carrot, kiwi with cream cheese mochi
It was their Friday special.  I guess each day, aside from making their usual mochi's they'll have a special one.  This was definitely unique and the combination of flavors in my mouth left me a little confused at first.  The sweet and tangy kiwi, combined with the savory cream cheese was at first weird, but after a few more bites it wasn't too bad.  I'm not used to eating cream cheese in this form if it's not on a bagel, but it worked.  There were also a lot of texture going on here.  The chewy mochi skin, with the smooth mochi paste filling, soft mushy kiwi with tiny seeds and the smooth chunk of cream cheese.  Though it was good, I could only enjoy half of it because too much of it was too overwhelming for me.

Mango with red bean with a green tea mochi skin
My second favorite!  The mango was juicy and sweet.  The red bean paste was smooth and sweet, but not overly sweet and the mochi had a hint of green tea flavor to it.  It was absolutely delicous.
From left to right and top to bottom
Strawberry with red bean mochi
Mint Chocolate mochi with banana
Green tea mango mochi with red bean paste
Lavender mochi with fig and yellow bean paste
My favorite was the strawberry.  It's simple and delicious.
The green tea mochi was a close second.  I feel like I'm categorizing this according to my most favorite to least favorite fruit. Anyhow, next comes the fig and the lavender.  Love the taste of fig with the mochi.  I didn't really notice the taste of the lavender.  The banana was my least favorite, since that's my least favorite fruit out of the four.  The combination of the minty chocolate with it...reminded me of nutella and bananas.

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