Bellagio Hotel and Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
Occasion: Our nice and fancy dinner while in vegas! Celebrating Anita's belated birthday 9.19.10.
Oyster with Cheese puff
It was a complimentary appetizer to start us off. The oyster was sweet and flavorful. I don't really know how to explain it, but it was fatty in a good way. The cheese puff was scrumptious and I was able to finish it in two bites.

Lobster Salad
with a black truffle vinaigrette wrapped in cucumber
It was a tasty refreshing salad as our appetizer. There were big chunks of lobster in the salad. Definitely felt like I found gold when I bit into it. They did not skimp you on the lobster at all-I LIKE THAT! The salad itself wasn't too big, which surprised me to be able to find such big chunks of lobster. Good job Le Cirque!
Sauteed Foie Gras
with raisin brioche, nashi pear, candied cherry and rhubarb gastrique
Anita's first time having it. I got to try a little bit and I thought it was delicious. Anita thought so too and enjoyed her first experience!
with fresh summer truffles
With an extra cost of $24, Jenny and I decided to get this instead of the foie gras as our second dish. FREAKING OFF THE HOOK, AMAZING! We both really enjoyed it. The rich flavor of the truffle definitely added to not only the aroma of it,but also the taste. It was delicous and very filling! Sooo GOOD!
Papiette of Sea Bass with Braised leeks in a pinot noir sauce
The way it was prepared was really interesting. It was wrapped in a thin slice of what seemed to be potato. The potatoe seemed to have been baked or roasted and was crispy. Sow hen you bite into it...there's the crisp texture of the potato with the tender meat of the seabass. I love fish and I loved how this was prepared and presented. It did not disappoint my taste buds.
Filet mignon strips
By the time this came out, I was stuffed! This dish did not execute for me! It was kind of bland, the meat was very dry and it just did not satisfy. Luckily, I was really full already. I didn't finish it.
Sorbet Palette Cleanser
Tarte Tartin aux Pommes, Glace au Gingembre, Fruit de Passion
Apple Tarte Tartin, Ginger Ice Cream, Passion Fruit
Apple Tarte Tartin, Ginger Ice Cream, Passion Fruit
I've never been a big fan of apple desserts, so I just thought this was mediocre.
Crème Brûlée "Le Cirque"
Classic Tahitian Vanilla Bean Crème Brûlée
This is more my kind of dessert. Loved it!
It's funny, no matter how full I am, I always have room for dessert. It's like I have two stomachs; one for food and one for dessert
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